If an order is showing the wrong patient name and/or text, there may have been a conflict when the employee entered the order-- for example, the employee is using a loaner computer and that computer has not been used in a while or synced. If this is the case, when the employee creates a new verbal order, and that POC system is not updated to the server, this may cause duplicate order numbers to be created. When verbal order numbers are duplicated, the number is basically shared between 2 charts. The following steps will resolve this issue. Before starting the steps below, if the employee who created the order uses Point of Care, be sure they sync just before you proceed. In extreme cases, the device may need a rebuild. Please start a chat for any rebuild requests.
NOTE: The order correction process shown below may only be completed by a Barnestorm Office user with sufficient permission levels. If you are a clinician with order issues, please ask someone in the office to fix it for you.
Use the following steps, to search for duplicate orders: