Access Levels in Barnestorm

Only users with top permissions may change the access levels for employees.

You may do this by going to Codes > Security > Logins. Then change the Data Access Level number for each employee as needed based on the chart below.

Typical Data Access Levels are 3 so that they can view but not change items done by others; 7 for supervisors to view and make changes as needed to select items; 9 for admin users with unlimited access. Note: Data Access is used IF the Employee Security feature is not setup for that employee. 

The table below shows what each access level 1-9 is allowed to do in the software.








Administrative Tasks

Change care coordination notes entered by other employees

Edit verbal order for another employee

Delete verbal order for another employee








Delete a verbal order from mailing screen









Access Admin screen








Access Codes screen







Access Add/Change Doctors from Referrals







Access Add/Change Employees from Referrals







Access Add/Change Pharmacies from Referrals







Delete doctors









Delete employees









Delete pharmacies









In Admin, can Execute and Add to Log

Clinical Tasks

Delete an unlocked note








Lock an unlocked note








Unlock a locked note within a date range








Delete a late entry

Edit unlocked OASIS of another employee

Delete unlocked OASIS of another employee

Unlock locked OASIS of another employee



Lock a complete OASIS in Office

Edit an un-mailed 485 for another employee

Edit a 485 that has been mailed

Enter HH Aide Plan for other employees







Billing Tasks

Access bottom panel (pay rate) on employee screen

Make a change to a mailed 485

Remove one month's bills from A/R








Remove per diem charge rates







Time and Visit Entry Tasks

Enter visit hourly for other employees







Delete visits







Import visit charges from assessments

Enter visits for another employee

Delete visits

Add/change non-visit time for other employees

Approve timesheet









Delete timesheet

Access a timesheet for another employee



Add schedules for other employees

Supply Tasks

Import supply charges from visits

Delete supply charges

Delete supply requisition

Enter supply requisition for another employee







Unpost supply requisitions