Remove or delete a chart number

A chart can be removed by pulling the chart number up from Select Patient and going to the Referrals screen.  

1)  Even though you are removing the chart, go to the Payers tab of the referral and discharge the payer for not admitted.  This will clear out EVV schedules as needed.  Be sure to answer Yes to the pop up question on removing schedules.
2)  Click the button "Remove This Chart#" from the left, bottom panel of the Referral.  
You will either receive a message: 
    A) Asking if you are sure you want to deleted.  
    B) Letting you know if there's current data in the chart.  The chart cannot be removed until the data has been reviewed and deleted or corrected, as needed. 

If you received a referral and the patient was not admitted, you may want to consider using the Change Status to Not Admitted article instead of deleting the chart.