Admission Type Codes

The Admission Type is found on the Referral screen on the Referral Information tab.  You can change the descriptions or numbers of Admission Type codes.

You can also add new Admission Type codes or delete existing ones.

These options are available in the Codes > Status Code > Admission Types section of Barnestorm software.

The Admit Type is used in reports like Reports > Referrals > 01.08 Referral Counts.  It is used in reports stats to view a picture of the type of admissions for the period given.  

When adding a new code, be sure to use Y(es) or N(o) for counting the code as a referral, but not as an admitted patient. 

Example of codes, each agency will differ:

00 – Referred – Admission Pending
01 – Admitted
02 – Pay Source Change
03 – Readmitted
94 – Not homebound
95 – No reliable caregiver
96 – Unable to locate patient
97 – Expired before admitted
99 – RBNA/Hold until facility d/c