Add Facility History for a Patient

Pull up the patient from the Select Patient screen.

From Barnestorm Office click the Patient Histories button, then select the Facility History button.

From Point of Care click the Transfer button, then select the Edit Facility History button.


Add a New Entry

  1. Select the Type of facility from the drop down list.
  2. Search for the facility name or enter the code of the facility if you know it.
  3. Select the From and Thru date the patient has stayed in the facility. 
  4. Click the Dates not known box if you do not know the dates.
  5. Enter the reason for the patient’s stay at the facility.
  6. Click the Save button. The facility entry will appear in the bottom panel. 

Edit an Existing Entry

  1. From the Facility History screen, select the entry that needs modified from the bottom of the screen.
  2. Update the information from the top of the screen.
  3. Click the Save button.

Delete an Entry

  1. From the Facility History screen, select the entry that needs deleted from the bottom of the screen.
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. A message will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete, click on Yes.

Print the Facility History

  1. From the Facility History screen, select the Print button at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the printer icon to print the page.
  3. Click the Close button.


Use a global setting to add a new Type to the drop down list. Go to Barnestorm Office > Codes > Security > Global Settings> Patient Histories > 1200.  Key in the name of the Type.  You can add more than one by separating the names with a pipe.Ex.  Type A|Type B

There is a report that will show all active patients with a transfer OASIS and facility entry. The report is located in Reports > Oasis > 13.17 OASIS Transfers

A new facility code can be added from Codes > Other Basic Codes > Doctors.  Select the appropriate "Type" from the dropdown list.