Customizing Screens

You can add/change/deactivate some information in various places in Barnestorm.  From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Codes > POC Codes > Note Codes.  Scroll through the list of Filter Pages available from the drop-down list.  Next, select a name that you want to modify text for.

Filter Page = The name of the Barnestorm Screen or feature

Name = The tab name or topic within the Barnestorm screen

Some examples of screens that can be modified: Care Coordination Note, Labs, 485 boxes, Aide Plan.  

Note: Do not create new "Name" categories. You must select an existing Name to add options. 

Note: Do not delete an item. Use the “Deactivate” button if you no longer wish to use an option.  This will element issues with documentation that have used the code before.  If the code was used and then it gets deleted, any previous documentation will also have that code deleted from it.  Select the code you want to discontinue and then click on the Deactivate button.  The code will continue to show up in the list, but it will not show up throughout Barnestorm Office or POC.  If you want to start using the code again, select the code and click on Activate.  

Add Item

To add an item, you can either click the Add New Code button, which will present you with a drop-down list for the category and name, or preferably, you can click an item in the proper category and select Add New Code.  Using this context menu prefills the Page and Name for you, making adding codes a little easier.  Complete the text box with the proper text that you want to add.  Click Save and Return to List.  The item will be added.

Edit Item:

To edit an item, you can either click the item and select the Edit Code button.  Change the text as needed and click Save.  Keep in mind, editing the text will also edit any previous notes used with this option.