Import Supplies into Visit

1. After a requisition has been created, you can import those supplies directly into your visit.

2. After creating your visit, go to the supplies screen by clicking the Supplies button on the left menu from the visit note.

3. If the nurse, patient, and date on the requisition match the visit, then you are given an option to import the information from the supply requisition.

If you are expecting to see the import option but do not, go back to the main supplies screen and make sure that the employee, patient, and date all match your visit.

4. Click the Yes button on the import prompt window to import the supply requisition. Once imported, the supply code, description and quantity will be filled in for the visit.

5. If the quantity used on the visit changes, then change the quantity used in the visit (which does not change the supply requisition quantity). Then, you’ll need to change the requisition quantity as well, which you can do in either of these ways:

a. Print off the updated supply requisition and give it to your Supply Coordinator.

b. Update the Supply Requisition if it has not been approved.