Export OASIS

From Barnestorm Office Main Menu select the Admin tab, then select the Export OASIS tab. 

Create Export
OASIS exports are based on the M0090 Date only.  The transmission timing rule states that you have 30 days from the M0090 date to transmit that OASIS to the state.  The default ending M0090 Date in Barnestorm is set to 14 days ago.  The most recent M0090 that can be selected is 7 days ago.  All OASIS that are in the locked status and has a M0090 date on or before the date you select, will pull up on the export list.

The following are suggested reports to run before exporting 

        o   Reports > OASIS > 13.05 OASIS Tracking.  Check for unlocked OASIS and make corrections as needed.  Use this so that OASIS do not get old and exported after the 30 days.  Here is the article to run this report 13.05 OASIS Tracking.

        o   Admin > Export OASIS > Check OASIS Data for Errors.  These are errors found by the Barnestorm system - correct them as needed.  Attached is a list of the OASIS-C question/answers.  Here are some of the errors that might show up on the report:

    M0150 NOT Medicare, Medicare ID# Found = The OASIS answer on M0150 does NOT have Medicare traditional selected but a traditional Medicare payer was found in the      Referral > Payer screen. (Same for Medicaid)

M0150 Medicare, No Medicare ID# Found = The OASIS answer on M0150 has Medicare traditional selected but the traditional Medicare payer is not entered in the Referral > Payer screen.  (Same for Medicaid)    

M0150 NOT Medicare HMO, Medicare HMO ID# Found = The OASIS answer on M0150 has  Medicare traditional selected but the payer is as HMO in the Referral > Payer screen. 

M0906 Date is Outside of 2 Day Range of M0090 = M0090 is Date Assessment Completed; M0906 is Discharge/Transfer/Death Date. 

M0906 is After M0090 = M0906 is Discharge/Transfer/Death Date; M0090 Date Assessment Completed.

SOC Date is AFTER M0090 Date = M0030 Start of Care Date; M0090 Date Assessment Completed.

Sequence Error = Usually means the order of OASIS RFA have been locked and exported out of sequence.  Ex. Resumption OASIS was exported before the Transfer OASIS.

Medicare Homebound Warning = This gives a warning for patients that have M0150 as Medicare or Medicare HMO and both M1400 and M1860 are answered as 0, meaning patient is not short of breath and can ambulate without assistance. You may want to check on patient's homebound status.  Only OASIS that have not been exported yet will appear on the Error list.  Once exported the warning for that OASIS will be dropped from the report. 

To create an OASIS file to export:

**ONLY OASIS where M0150 = 01, 02. 03 or 04, will allow the OASIS' to show up on the Export List.  If there is a chart missing from your export, please review OASIS to make sure M0150 is answered correctly.

**Only OASIS that have been Validated will appear for export.   The OASIS cannot be locked until a successful validate has been done.  Run Reports > Oasis > 13.05 to view OASIS not locked yet. 

1.  Click the Admin button from the Main Menu.

2.  Click the Export OASIS button.

3.  Select the ending MO090 date, the default date is 14 days ago.

4.  Click on the Step 1 – Select OASIS Eligible for Transmission button.

5.  You can click on the Print List button on the bottom, right corner of the screen to print the entire list from Step 1.  

6.   Next, you can a) check the box next to each OASIS you want to transmit or b) Click on the Step 2 – Select all OASIS button.

7.   Select where you want to save the OASIS export file by clicking on the file icon.  It must be saved on a LOCAL folder.  When connecting to the ASAP system, it will disconnect you from your mapped drives, so the drive you select to save your export to must be local to your computer. The default folder to be created is C:\Barnestorm\OASIS_Exported\.  Note:  if you need to save the file to a server you can copy the file and paste it after the OASIS has been exported. 

8.  Once the export list is ready click on the Step 3 – Create OASIS Export File button.  The file will be named with todays date YYYMMDD_OasisExport_1.  The number at the end stands for the number of export files created for that date.

     Note:  For agencies with multiple offices the zipped file created will end with the office you built the export for.  Ex. 20150130_OasisExport_Office1 and Oasis_Export _ Office1.zip.  You can create a folder for each office and drag the files to the correct location after exporting them. 

9.   Clicking the hyperlink OASIS_Export.zip or the Open Folder button will pull up the export folder.  

10.   Print List will allow you to print the list of OASIS to be exported. 

11. Print the export report.  The export path and file name will be at the top of the page.

12.  If you need to create a second export file for the day run through the steps again and the second file for the day will end with _2.  Note: if the first file of the day needs exported, export it before generating a second file. 

Note: The file to select for export will be Oasis_Export.zip.  This file will collect individual XML records for each OASIS.

Select Charts to Exclude

If you have a patient that will NOT need to be exported to the state: 

1.  Click the Select Charts to Exclude tab.

2.  Enter the chart number or search by name.  

3.  If the patient has already been discharged - check the box Include D/C Patients in the search

4.  Make sure the box next to the patients name is checked 

5.  Click on Save List of Patients to Exclude From OASIS Export. 

This excluded chart will stay listed on this tab.  If you need to take a chart off of the excluded list then uncheck the box next to the patient and click on Save List of Patients to Exclude From OASIS Export. 
If the list becomes too long you can delete patients that have been discharge over a year ago by clicking the button Delete Patients D/C > 1 Year Ago. A pop up box will appear letting you know how many patients will be deleted; select Yes or No.  

Agency Setup for Export

Use this tab to enter the agency contact information, provider information and network path to save the export files.  

Final Validation Report

See the link below for instructions.

Home Health CAHPS

See the link below for instructions.