Add a New Medication

We recommend that you follow the instructions to Request the Medication, also, so that we may add all of the information about the medication into the database.

1. Click the Codes button from the Main Menu.

2. Click Other Basic Codes at the top of the screen. Select Medicines.

3. Select the Add/Edit Medicines Info tab.

4. To add a new medication, click on the New button, type the medication name into the white box, then click on Add Medication button.

5. Select from the options whether the medication is a primary (generic, combination drug, or cross-reference).

6. If the medication is primary, you will need to enter the functional class, which is required, as well as any of the other information if you have it:

a. **Functional Class – this just means the type of medication, such as antihypertensives, diuretics, antiinfectives, antidiabetics, analgesics, antidepressants, ACE inhibitors.

**This information is required.

b. Side Effects / Contra-Indications / Precautions

c. Interactions

d. Laboratory Tests

e. Nursing Considerations

f. Patient Instructions

g. Click the Save button to save the new medication.

7. If the medication is combination, you will need to enter the following information:

a. The drugs that are combined to make this medication. To add these, type the first few letters and you should get a list of medications with those letters in the name.

b. **Functional Class – this just means the type of medication, such as antihypertensives, diuretics, antiinfectives, antidiabetics, analgesics, antidepressants, ACE inhibitors.

**This information is required.

To enter the functional class, make sure the circle beside A - Functional Class has a circle inside of it, and then type in the functional class in the white panel below.

c. **Patient Instructions

**This information is required.

To enter the patient instructions, make sure the circle beside F - Patient Instructions has a circle inside of it, and then type in the instructions in the white panel below.

d. Click the Save button to save the new medication.

8. If the medication is a cross-reference, you will need to enter the primary medicine. To add this, type the first few letters and you should get a list of medications with those letters in the name. Select the medication that is the primary.

9. Click the Save button to save the new medication.

10. Click Exit in the upper right to return to the main menu.