Create Post Hospital Orders

From Orders click on the dropdown list for Type:, click on Post Hospital / Recert Orders, enter the number of days to look back and pull information, click on Create Post Hospital Orders. The following is the information that will be pulled:

1) Details of facility history from newest to oldest

2) Current ICD codes

3) Current medication

4) Put template in for Frequency of Visits, to let you fill in what the orders will be

5) Get orders text from most recent 485

6) Look thru assessments for orders written on a visit between most recent 485 from date thru the order date

7) Get goals text from most recent 485

8) Look thru assessments for goals written on a visit between most recent 485 from date thru the order date

If no facility information has been entered then you will receive a message telling you to enter it first. 

*Note: There is a global setting that can be turned on to only grab the most recent orders and goals, instead of grabbing the most recent from the 485 and and assessments. Go to Codes > Security > Global Setting, click on the categoryOrders and change 0613 to True.  This process should be completed by clinical supervisors or office managers only.