05.21 View Amount Billed/Paid by Service Date

How to Run the Report

This will divide out by program/payer then by year/month. It shows the amount billed, amount paid, amount adjusted, and balance due by month. It will give you a total by payer, program, and a grand total.

From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.21 Totals by Pg/Pyr/Month

Use Transaction Dates Only (This will match report 05.15)

The Balance Due on 05.23 will match the Ending Balance on 05.15 when same From/Thru dates are used.

From and Thru = The range of transaction dates to be used.

Follow next section for remainder of report options. 

Use Charges Year/Month (This is how this report used to work)

Thru The Thru date is the cutoff date of transactions to be used (ie. bank date of a payment or amount billed date).

Program(s) / Payer(s) = Filter report by entering program and payer numbers. Or leave blank to select all.

Year/Month From and Thru = Billing months to select.

Put PPS Amount Billing Amounts in the Month the episode started, rather than in the month the RAP was created = refers to the "Amount Billed" for PPS episodes from date.

PPS Payers Only, Non-PPS Payers Only, All Payers = This is based on how the payer code is setup with question PPS = Yes or No.

How to Read the Report

Pg/Payer = Program number and payer number/name. 

Year / Mo = The billing month of charges or the from date of a PPS episode. 

Amount Billed = Total amount billed for that month/payer.

Amount Paid = Total amount paid depending on the transaction date.  Includes all payment codes.

Amt Adjusted = Total amount adjusted depending on the transaction date.  Includes all adjustment codes.

Balance Due = Subtracts the Amount Paid and Amt Adjusted from the Amount Billed columns.