Check Patient Data for Problems

Reports > Audit > 07.01 Verify Admit/DC Dates:  will allow you to select what process will be donewhen the report is ran: Change to RBNA if no chargeable visit, Change to RBNAfor admit types 70-99. Change D/C date to last earlier chargeable visit/supplydate.

Reports > Audit > 07.02 VerifySex/Race/DOB/etc.: allows you toignore any payer or team issues by checking the box for Ignore payer or Ignoreteam.  

These reportswill tell you if there is missing info or conflicting information. It will showthe current answers for : Social Security number, chart number, sex, race,county, team, payer, birth date, admit date, discharge date, and HIC number. Ifa patient was readmitted then it will show you any conflicting informationbetween the chart numbers, ie. different sex. 

This is a good report to runweekly or before billing for Hospice patients.