This report will show the balance for each patient from the billing months you select. From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.09 Unpaid Patient Balances.
Print Report tab: How to Run the Report
- Thru= The Thru date is the cutoff date of transactions to be used; payment and adjustments.
- Program(s) / Payer(s) = Filter report by entering program and payer numbers. Or leave blank to select all.
- Year/Month From and Thru = Billing months to select.
- Find Oldest Unpaid Balance = Changes the Year/Month From and Thru dates to only include the time frame in which there are balances.
- Set Dates for the Most Recent Year = Changes the Year/Month Thru date as the current month and then dates it back a year.
- Credit Balances Only = Will only show credit amounts. (***Use for Medicare Credit Balance report)
- Create CSV File for McBee = Instead of pulling up a Barnestorm preview of the report it will generate a spreadsheet for McBee.
- Select a way to print the report: Program/Payer or Patient
- Click on Print
How to Read the Report
- Prog/Payer = Program number and payer name.
- Chart# = Patient's chart number.
- Patient's Name = Patient's name.
- Year/Mo = Year and Month of service.
- Billed = The amount billed for year/mo of service.
- Paid = The amount paid for year/mo of service, based on your transaction thru date.
- Adjusted = The amount adjusted for year/mo of service, based on your transaction thru date.
- Balance = Balance due on the account, based on your transaction thru date.
- Last Date = Represents the date of the last transaction, based on your transaction thru date.
- HIC Number = The patient’s Medicare/Medicaid/Insurance number that is in the Referral > Payer screen.
Check for Errors in A/R Data tab:
If you notice any discrepancies in the report, use this tab to clean up the report. Then reprint the report.
Step 1: Search for patients with duplicated payers, which cause their A/R to appear to be duplicated. The duplicates will be deleted, and a report and spreadsheet will be created to show what is kept and what is deleted.
Step 2: Search for A/R Entries with Missing Data: Invalid program#s, invalid payer#s, invalid pay/adj codes, invalid chart#s. If any are found, you will see a report, and be given the option to delete everything on that report. If you choose to delete them, you will then be presented with a spreadsheet.
Create Excel of All A/R for the Year/Month Dates
This generates a spreadsheet based on the Year/Month dates selected on the report. It also uses the program/payer filters when running the report. Some of the data pulled includes: amount billed, balance, and the amount/date of RAP and EOEs.