Global Settings - Customize Your Settings for Barnestorm

Customize Your Agency

There are several settings you can change that will change options for your agency. You can find these under Codes > Security > Global Settings.  Changes to these options save automatically and are in effect for the current user immediately and for all other users after they log out and back in.  A description of the options will sometimes be listed at the bottom if the option needs explaining. New global options are added with each new publish of the software.  Some of the options are listed here:

· LoadVisitsFromAssessments - Use visits entered in POC instead of keying visits for billing. True / False

· DefaultVisitImport_In_Days - Set the number of days to wait before importing visits into billing; examples:

      o 00 = import visits right away
o 04= import visits that are at least four days old

· LoadVisitsCutoffDate - Cutoff day for importing visits from POC:

      o Use the date you started importing visits from POC for billing

· LoadSuppliesfromAssessments - Load supplies from assessments created in POC. True / False

· DefaultSupplyImport_In_Days - Set the number of days to wait before for importing supplies from POC; examples:

      o 00 = import right away
o 15 = import supplies that are at least 15 days old

· LoadSuppliesCutoffDate - Cutoff day for importing supplies from POC:

      o Use the date you started importing supplies from POC for billing

· UnassignedAide - This is used on the aide plan to mark the plans as unassigned. Basically, if a plan is assigned to this aide, the software considers it unassigned.

· AideTimeStart - This is used on the aide schedule screen to set the starting hour.

· IADLAnswers - This checks/unchecks a box on the pact form that adds the iadl answers to the form when it is generated. True / False

· AidePlanTherapySign – Leaves a place on the document for the therapist signature. True / False

· AidePlanAideSign – Leaves a place on the document for the aide signature. True / False 

AidePlanNursSign – Leaves a place on the document for the nurse signature. True / False

· AidePlanPatientSign – Leaves a place on the document for the patient signature. True / False

· TimerCheckinMilliseconds - The internal timer that checks for messages runs off of this number. Setting it lower will make your Barnestorm messages show quicker, but, will take up more resources.

· DefaultHospiceChart - This is used on the bereavement volunteers screen. When posting volunteer payments to A/R, this is the chart that it will use.

· DefaultHospicePayCode - This is used on the bereavement volunteers screen. The pay code it will use when posting volunteer payments to A/R.

· DefaultHospiceAdjCode - This is used on the bereavement volunteers screen. The adjustment code it will use when posting volunteer payments to A/R.

· Set default print margins

· TopLevelFolderForPatientDocuments

· UseCaseManagerOn485 - Use the case manager on the 485. True / False

    o Place the primary nurse’s name on the 485 instead of employee listed on the Emp/Dr/Box 23 tab of 485.

· TimeSheetFrom / Thru Time - Change the default timesheet From and Thru times

· TimeSheetRounding - Set the amount of timesheet rounding

· PrintIcdsOnVisitNote - Print ICDs on visit note. True / False

· ShowDateTimePrintedOnVisitNote - Adds the current date/time stamped at the bottom of note when printed. True / False

· ApplySignatureToCCN - Instead of a digital signature the employee's electronic signature will appear. True / False

· CanReopenCCNDays - Set the number of days that someone can open a finished care coordination note to edit.

RAPRequiresOASISExport – True makes the default on RAP Claims equal Export. False makes the default on RAP Claims equal Locked.

For a full listing of your agency's settings, go to Codes > Program Related Codes > Program Codes.  Click Print Global Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.