17.33 Print Supe Visit Due List

Print a report that tells you when the next supervised visit is due for CAP/PCS patients.  From Barnestorm Office go to Patients Histories > Authorizations, click on the 17.33 – Supe Visit Due tab; or from Referrals > Authorizations > 17.33 – Supe Visit Due tab. 

Report 17.33 is based on the supervisory visit being entered. Even though they often are not charged for, it should be entered as a no-charge visit and the employee who made the visit must be in the system with the correct revenue code. This will make the report run correctly.  

For example: Employee K Hunt is in your system as a nursing supervisor and under Codes > Other Basic Codes Employees, her Rev Code is 0550. This is what the code should be for all personnel who make supervisory visits. So, if you want to key in a supervisory visit, you will do so with the following codes, so it will show as no charge. The employee must have a Rev Code of 0550 for the visit to show up on the report.

How to Run the Report

How to Read the Report

Date is calculated based on # of Days you selected before running the report.

This report looks for the last visit entry entered by the supervising nurse - looking for an employee with a  revenue code _55_ (any four digit revenue code with 55 in the middle).

The revenue code is compared to the employees revenue code from Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees.

If there is NOT a visit entry for an employee that has revenue code _55_, then the next visit due will be calculated as 60 days after the admit date.

          If the name is blank then no employee with a revenue code _55_ has a visit entry.

Troubleshooting Tips: