Post Electronic Remittance Advice

You will use Accounts Receivable > Post Payments >Post Electronic Payments to post any ERA files. 

You will first need to download the ERA files to the appropriate folder.

Post Elec Remit Files (835/ERN):

--> If your agency has multiple payer types you can use the bullet shown at the top of this screen to select which ERA types you need to look for; HH Medicare and PPS, Hospice Medicare and All other payers.
--> If you have multiple folders setup for different payers you will select the folder where your ERA  is saved. 

The checkbox next to this button only gets used when a change has been made in the software to handle something new and you would need to re-post the RA.

  • PPS Payers Only - Check the box above Step 1.  This will make sure nonMedicare AR is posted correctly.
  • PPS Payers Only - Click the Step 1 - Update PPS Tracking button.  (If no new payments are found, the process stops here.  If payments are found, the Step 2 button will activate.) Click Close to exit the preview.
  • PPS Payers Only - Click the Step 2 - Create A/R Adjustments button.  (If nothing is found, the process stops here.  This can occur if payer made payment in full.) Click Close to exit the preview.
  • PPS Payers Only - Click Step 3 - Post to A/R button to complete the posting/mark episode as Paid/Complete.  You can now click X to close the window.