13.05 OASIS Tracking

How to Run the Report

Barnestorm Office > Reports > OASIS > 13.05 OASIS Tracking will show you Unlocked, Locked, Exported OASIS.

From / Thru = Pulls OASIS based on Locked or Exported dates.

Program(s) / Team(s) / Employee(s) = Filter report by entering program, team, employee number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.

RFA(s) = Enter the Reason for Assessment's two digit code if you want to preview a particular assessment type.  Leave blank to select all.  NOTE:  The 2-digit code for each assessment type is listed for review.

Charts(s) = Enter the six digit chart number(s) if you want to preview a particular chart(s).  Insert a space or comma between each chart number.  Leave blank to select all.

Not Locked = Selects ALL OASIS that have not been locked yet (ignores the from and thru dates).  Use this one to see which OASIS have not been validated yet. 

Locked Between From/Thru Dates= Selects OASIS that have been locked between the from and thru dates.  The status will tell you if the OASIS is Locked or Exported.  

Exported Between From/Thru Dates = Selects the OASIS that have been exported between the from and thru dates.

o Locked But Not Exported - Care/Caid Only =  Selects Medicare / Medicaid patients with OASIS that have not been exported - ignores the dates.

o Locked But Not Exported - All = Pulls up OASIS not exported bases on dates you select (regardless of the M0150 answer).

o Lock/Unlock Complete History = Shows each time the status of the OASIS has changed.  This will select OASIS that were modified within the date range you select.  The history will only go back 120 days.

o Lock then Unlock History = Only shows when an OASIS was locked or unlocked.  This will select OASIS that were modified within the date range you select. The history will only go back 120 days.

o Locked, 485 Not Mailed = Helps with the rule where the POC must have been established and sent to the physician. 

o Exported Late = The From and Thru dates uses the export date, and selects any OASIS that was exported later than 30 days past the M0090 date. Days column =  Number of days exported after the M0090 date.  

o Skip Oasis Over One Year Old

 Select the sequence you want to "Order Report By" and click on Print


How to Read the Report

ID = DocID that is assigned to an OASIS, found in the OASIS screen.

Seq Date = Sequence Date. The sequence date comes from the following places:

M0090 Dt = Date Assessment completed.

Lock Date = Date the OASIS was locked.

ExportDt = Date the OASIS was exported.

Status = Shows the current status; New, Unlocked, Locked not Exported or Exported.

M0150 = Shows the answer for that OASIS.  *PPS* means there is a conflict of information between the payer and the answer on M0150.