01.34 Expiring 485

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office > Reports > 485 > 01.34 Expiring 485s.


Expiring On Or Before = The 485 Thru date

Program(s), Team(s), Employee(s) = Filter information that is selected.

o Doctor Numbers = To print only select doctors enter their four digit Barnestorm code, separate codes with a space.

o All / Medicare / Medicaid = Select the type of payers you want to show up. 

Skip Patients D/C Before = Do not include patients with a discharge date in Referral > Payer screen, where date is on or before the selected date.


Print by Patient Name = Orders the report by patient last name and uses the employee on the most recent 485.

Print by Thru Date = Orders the report by the 485 Thru date and uses the employee on the most recent 485.

Print by Employee (All) By Employee/Date = Orders the report by 485 Thru date.  There will be one page per employee.  The patient will appear for the employee on the most recent 485 AND any employee listed in the Referral > Employees screen (for discipline SN, PT, OT). 

Print by Employee (All) By Employee/Patient = Orders the report by patient last name.  There will be one page per employee.  The patient will appear for the employee on the most recent 485 AND any employee listed in the Referral > Employees screen (for discipline SN, PT, OT). 

o Print by Employee (All) By Patient = Orders the report by patient last name.  Each employee will appear from the Referral > Employees screen (for Discipline SN, PT, OT).

Print by Case Manager (Only) By Date = Orders the report by 485 Thru date.   There will be one page per case manager.  The case manager is the employee listed as the first employee in Referral > Employees screen.

Print by Case Manager (Only) by Doctor = Orders the report by the doctors last name.   There will be one page per case manager.  The case manager is the employee listed as the first employee in Referral > Employees screen.

Print by Doctor = Orders the report by the doctors last name and uses the employee on the most recent 485.

How to Read the Report

o D/C = If blank then patient is still active, if Y then patient has been discharged.  This column is linked with the date from Skip Patients D/C Before.

o Tm = Team assigned to the patient.

o ThruDate = The expiring 485s thru date.

o LastVxDt = Last visit/assessment entered that is in the Locked+Chrg status.

o Employee = The employee listed on the patient's Referral > Employee tab.   

o Doctor = The doctor four digit Barnestorm code and name that was on the previous 485.

o Doc Phone = The doctor's phone number from the previous 485.

o Payer = The patient's program/payer number and payer description. 

Why is my patient showing up as Expiring 485, when the patient has been discharged?

If the discharged date is after the most recent 485 date, the system is expecting a recert/485.  This is a checks/balances we have in place to make sure no 485 is overlooked.  Go to Referral and review the discharged date.  Normally, the discharged date is the date of the last billable visit.

Example:  Patient X has a recert of 02/15/23 - 04/15/23.  If the discharge date is after 04/15/23, the system is expecting a new 485/certification.  If there is no billable visit, after 04/15/23 the discharged date is normally entered as 04/15/23.