Transfer OASIS Vs. Discharge OASIS

One of the following should always be the last OASIS for Medicare HHA patients:

06 Transfer to an inpatient facility – patient not discharged from an agency.

07 Transfer to an inpatient facility – patient discharged from agency.

08 Death at home

09 Discharge from agency

Reason for assessment 06 and 07 transfers can be entered in POC by selecting the patient and clicking on the transfer screen.  They can also be entered into the OASIS screen from both Barnestorm Office and POC.  Reason 06 is typically used if the HHA expects the patient to return home.  Reason 07 is used when the agency does not expect the patient to return back to the HHA.

Note:  Transfer is only used when a patient is being admitted to another facility. If the patient is not being admitted to another facility, then you cannot use a transfer OASIS.

Reason for assessment 08 and 09 can be entered into the OASIS screen from both Barnestorm Office and POC.  A routine discharge of RFA 09 would be generated from the visit assessment if your agency is using Point of Care.  RFA 08 is used when the patient has expired.  09 is used for a routine discharge.

Click on the link here to pull up CMS OASIS Considerations for Medicare PPS Patients – here.

Click on the link here to pull up CMS OASIS Q+A (good information) – here