Print Report of Open Care Coordination Notes

You can search for Open (pending) Care Coordination Notes (CCNs) if your agency uses the Open and Finished status of the care coordination screen to show if the note is finished or incomplete.  Usually the CCN is marked as Finished if the documentation is complete and nothing else is needed.  And the Open status means the information inside of the note may be incomplete and more will be added later.  The following are ways to pull up CCNs that are still in the Open status.

From Office and POC Care Coordination Screen

From Barnestorm Office or POC you can select any patient from the Select Patient screen.  Go to the Care Coordination screen and click on the Print CCN Reports tab.  

To print all of the open CCNs regardless of the date: Check the bullet at the bottom for All Open CCNs and then click on the Print Report button.  This will ignore the CCN date. 

To print only a select date range: Change the CCN Dates From and Thru at the top of the screen.  Select one of the bullets: All CCNs, Open CCNs (From/Thru) or Closed CCNs (From/Thru) at the bottom of the page and then click on Print Report.   This will only select CCNs with a date in the range that you have selected. 

The default will print all patients and all employees assigned to CCNs.  You have several printing options to choose from at the bottom of this screen.