Non-Visit Time Codes

Non-Visit time Codes are used to define all types of time used by employees other than direct patient visits, such as Holiday time, Sick Time, Inservice/Conference time etc.  Each agency sets up their own Non-Visit Time Codes.  Here are the steps to set up these codes:

1. In Barnestorm Office, go to Codes > Program Related Codes > Non-Visit Time Code.  Type in the Program Number.

2.  Click the “Show Available Codes” tab.  Beside that is an additional option to show Only codes greater than.

3.  Select the code you wish to use.  The 3 digits will appear in the Code field.

4.  Enter your description.  For example:  Holiday.

5.  If the visit is Productive, select Yes or No.  If a code is marked as No it will be withheld from reports like 02.25 and 02.42. 

6.  If the code is Visit-Related, select Yes or No.

7.  If Travel Time is involved, click Yes or No.

8.  Enter Pay Rate where applicable.

9. IMPORTANT:  If you have multiple programs where you would like to use the same code, there is an option at the bottom of the screen to save the Visit Status Code to multiple programs.   This is the text/instructions that appears:

 “To apply these setting to this same code number in other programs, enter those program codes separate by a commas in the box below.For example, if you want non-visit time code 003 to be Holiday in programs 01,03 and 05, then enter the information for code 01/003, and put 03,05 in the box below before clicking on SAVE.  Skip this step, if you do not want to enter the same code for multiple programs.

10.  Hit Save to save your changes.

Print Options:

Click the Print Codes button to print only the codes for the program selected at top of screen.  If you want to print Codes for all Programs, check the box beside Print All Programs.