Features on the Add/Edit Order Screen

We'll cover the different features on the Order screen in this article. 

Show Doctors

This is a collection of doctors associated with the patient you have selected.  The doctors included in the list will be the primary physician and consulting physicians from the Referral screen.  Also, any physician that have been entered into an order as an ordering physician for this patient’s chart number in the past.  Click on the button to pull the list of doctors up and then click it again to make it disappear. 

Type drop-down list

The items from the drop-down list serves a few different purposes;

Show Wound History

This will show you a brief description of the most recent wound assessment information, along with the date of the assessment.  This information comes from the Wound Assess screen, within the visit assessment.

Customize order content

View full article for details here.

View Open Orders

This will show pending orders and orders mailed but not returned for all patients, not just the patient you currently have selected.  Select an order to view the text.  To return back to the list of pending orders,click anywhere in the text field.   Click on the View Open Orders button and select one of the pending orders.  You’ll notice that the entire order text will appear.  Click anywhere in the text box to make it disappear.  Note that you will only be able to view the order, you are not able to edit it from this feature.

Go to ICD History

This will open the ICD History screen where you can add and edit the patient’s ICD codes

Go to Med History

This will open the Medication History screen where you can add and edit the medications.

Text Item

The Text Item box is used to insert text into the order.  This is away to save time and data entry errors.It’s also a way to make sure you are adding all the information that is needed for certain orders without leaving out details.  

Most agencies have hundreds of text items.  There are several ways to narrow down your search. 

Left Message / Received Order

This will add a date and time stamp of the time you click on one of these button.  The purpose is to document when a call was placed to the doctor and when the order was received.  The information dropped in can be modified as needed, ie. the time.

Create Order

This button is to be used when you have created a pending order that needs mailed to the doctor for a signature and needs returned to your office.The create order has a place for both the clinician and the doctor to sign.

Create VO FYI

This button is to be used when you do not need to mail the order for a doctor signature.  An example of this would be when your office has received a fax copy or original order with the doctor signature already.  The FYI order does not have a place for a doctor to sign, but does include a place for the clinician to sign.

No VO Needed

This button is used when the information you are entering is not an actual order but shows information about the patient’s record.  These do not show up to the bottom, right of the screen. They do not have a place for a clinician or doctor to sign.  An example of when to use this is when you have an initial referral and you want to show the referral date and information on a referral print out.  Consult with your supervisor on when to use this feature.

Show Orders – VO Not Needed

This button will show any of the No VO Needed that have been entered.

Applies to Visit Starting

This date will allow you to attach orders to a specific episode, or billing cycle, if the order is being entered early or late. Orders that are being entered at the end of a certification period that will apply to visits starting in the next cert period is one example.  Orders entered late due to a chart review can be applied to a previous order cert is another example.  This feature will allow billing to be held for the period it was applied to. This works for payers that require all orders to be signed and returned back from the doctor before billing can be done. This date can also be found and updated on the Track Orders screen. 

View Verbal Orders from the Past  125 Days

This field is defaulted to only go back 125 days.  You can increase or decrease this number as needed.

Show All

By default the bottom,right part of the screen only shows the current user’s orders.  To view all orders created for this patient you will need to click the Show All button.


Allows you to print or preview the order you have selected from the bottom, right corner of the page.


Allows you to edit the order you have selected from the bottom, right corner of the page.  If the order has been mailed already you may not be able to edit the order.  You would need to notify an office user and ask permission to modify the order.  Note this is important to make sure the correct order is mailed to the doctor. 


This button here at the bottom will allow you to copy the text within an order, to your machines clipboard.  This will allow you to paste that information elsewhere.  Select an order, then click the Copy button to copy the text in the order.  A message will pop up telling you how many characters were copied.  This is the equivalent to using the copy feature in a Word document.  This will allow you to paste the text into any other document you wish – in Barnestorm or any other program that allows you to paste text. 


If you created a verbal order by mistake you can delete it if it has not been marked as mailed yet.