How Do I Delete A Charge For a Visit?

For any of the suggestions (mentioned below), verify with your supervisor before making any changes, as this will directly affect billing.

I want to keep the assessment, but remove the charge:

a.  Find your agency's visit status code that indicates the visit is not chargeable.  From Barnestorm Office, go to Codes> Program Related Codes > Visit Status Codes.  The POC user can assign that visit status code to the assessment.  
b.  From POC main menu, pull up the chart number
c.  Click Visits/Assessments tab and select the assessment.  (If its an older visit, you may need to adjust the number in the "Look Back Days" field to pull up the assessment.  If it is a much older visit, you may need to use the recover feature from the Select Patient scree to restore that chart to your computer, article here.  
d.  The assessment is in Locked&Chg status.  Your supervisor will need to unlock the visit (first) in order for you to edit it;  Or someone from Office can edit the note by going to Admin > Correct Visit Info, and assign the appropriate Visit Status code, without having to unlock the assessment.  POC users will need to sync to get the update.

I need to completely delete the visit and the charges associated with the visit.  (This process will also delete supplies entered within the assessment.)

a.  From Main menu, pull up the chart number.
b.  Click Visits/Assessments tab
c.  Select the assessment that needs to be removed/deleted.  
d.  Click Remove tab.  There are several reasons why the Remove (Visit) tab may not be "active."  Review this link for additional info.
e.  You will get a popup:  "Are you sure you want to COMPLETELY remove this visit?"  Click Yes to Remove.  Click No to Cancel.

The visit charge was entered directly in Barnestorm Office > Visit Entry Screen.  I need to delete the entry.

a.  Go to Employee Activity > Visit Entry
b.  At the bottom of the screen, search for the entry by entering the chart number and any information pertinent to that specific entry, such as date range, employee code, job code etc.  You can fill in as many filters as needed, or you can simply enter the chart number and click the Refresh button to search for the entry.
c.  Select the entry to be deleted.  The information from the entry will be displayed in the top section of the screen.  Click the Delete button to delete the charges.  You will receive a popup:  "Are you sure you wish to delete this visit?"  Click Yes to delete.  Click No to cancel. If there is no Delete button, you do not have permissions to delete charges.  Contact your supervisor to review your Employee Security Profile; or have the appropriate staff member delete the charges for you.