07.03 Medicare Surveyor Report

The most common usage of this report is to show currently active patients only.  Click the rectangular box, at the bottom of the report screen, to choose the best setting. 

How to Run the Report

From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Reports> Audit > 07.03 Medicare Surveyor Report.

o Program(s) / Payer(s) = Filter report by entering program number(s) and/or payer number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.

o From / Thru dates= Enter the dates you would like to search for active patients.

Patients Admitted During These Dates = If you select this option, the system will only locate patients admitted during these dates.

o Patients Active During These Dates = If you select this option, the system will locate all active patients, even if they were admitted before your “From Date.”

Skip Discharged Patients = If you select this option, the system will skip any patients that were active, but discharged, during your selection period.

Only Patients With At Least One Visit From The Selected Discipline(s) Will Be Printed = “ALL” is checked by Default.  If you are only searching for active patients based on a particular discipline, mark those checkboxes as appropriate. 

Skip Medicaid Patients With < 3 visits per Month = This gives you the option to skip those Medicaid patients who have less than 3 visits per Month.  (These are most likely "supply-only" patients.)

How to Read the Report

The report displays a list of patients and services, and is separated by patient name. There are 2 rows of data displayed for each patient.

The top row displays the following information: 

Chart#/Patient: The chart # and patient name.

PT/OT/ST/SN/MSS/HHA/Other =The visit counts for each discipline.

Total =Total visit count all disciplines.

o Admitted = The patient’s start of care date.

DischgDt = This column will show the discharge date, if applicable.

o  Tm = The team number assigned to patient.

o  Days Active = The # of days the patient has been active.

The second row of the report displays the following information:

a.  The program/payer number

b.  The name of the Payer

c.  The primary diagnosis

d.  The description of primary diagnosis

e.  The patient’s phone number

f.  The patient’s address