02.13 Supplies Used Detail

This report displays a detailed list of supplies used, by patient.

How to Run the Report

From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Billing > 02.13 Supplies Used Detail.

o From/Thru:  Enter your search period.

Program(s) = Enter your program number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.

Payer(s) = Enter your payer number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.

o Employee Enter an employee number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.

HCPCS Code(s) Enter a HCPCS number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.

o Use Supply Charges = These are supplies entered via Supplies tab > Supply Charges screen.

Use POC Assessments = These are supplies entered via the assessment.

Print By Options = There are several print options.  Select the one you prefer.  Then press the Print tab.

How to Read the Report

Chart# = Patient's chart number.

Patient's Name = Patient's name.

Employee = Employee assigned to supply charge.

o Date = Date supply was given or delivered.

o Qty= Quantity of the supply given.

HCPCS = Supply HCPCS code.

Supply Code and Description = Code assigned to the supply, via agency with supply description.

PricePer = Price per supply item.

o $Amount = Total amount for supply.

Pg/Pyr = Payer to be billed for charges.