Retrieving the 835 from NC Tracks

STEP 1Create the claim/transmission and send it to Medicaid/NC Tracks.  Click here for those steps.
STEP 2 Receive the response file.  This will let you know if the claim/transmission was accepted or rejected.  Click here for those steps.
STEP 3:  Retrieve the 835 (from NC Tracks) to be posted to Barnestorm:  
(Normally done on every checkwrite date, so weekly, biweekly, or monthly, depending on frequency of billing.)  
Follow these steps:
a.  Go to Billing > HIPAA Transactions > Transmit to Medicaid
b.  Wait for the Connected Tab to turn Green.
c.  In the second squared section ( your received files from NC Tracks), click the 835 link.
d.  Select the 835 you want to post.
e.  Click the RECEIVE button that appears between the two sections.  Wait for the transfer to complete.
f.   Next, click the A/R button at top right of screen.
STEP 4:  Post the remittance to Barnestorm.  (This is the step that posts the payments/adjustments to each chart.)
g.  Follow the steps here to post the remittance.  During the posting step, you will have the option to print a report of any denials.
h.  For more detail of any denials, print the paper remittance directly from NC Tracks or contact the NC Tracks Customer Service Department.