Adding New Employees in Barnestorm
You can add new employees either while entering referral/patient information or by navigating to Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees. On the Employees tab of the Referral, you can click on New Employee to start the process.
- Add a New Employee: Click on the Add A New Employee button and select a code from the list.
- Enter Required Information: Fill in the minimum required employee information and click Save.
Required Fields:
- Correct spelling of the employee’s name
- Cell phone number (10-digits with area code)
- Program
- Job Code (select the job code typically used for the employee)
- Rev Code (nurse = 0550, aide must be 0570 or 0599 for EVV compatibility)
- Social Security Number, options are:
- The full 9-digit number without dashes.
- Last 5-digits of SSN with zeros leading: Format example: 000012345.
- Gender (may be required by some MCOs)
- Date Hired
Other fields are optional, but it’s recommended to track the hire date as well. The primary email address can be left blank to auto-generate an email. You can enter a personal or business email in the second email field.
TIPS related to common issues for Sandata rejection:
- Only include the employee’s name; allowed characters are A-Z, apostrophes, periods, hyphens, and spaces.
- Always include the area code with the cell phone number (10-digits only).
- Ensure you use the correct Rev Code (see required fields).
Point-of-Care Users (not for CAP/PCS EVV Users):To stay EVV compliant, set the app status to POC. This will use the device's location services to record GPS coordinates for start and end times. Ensure the device’s location service is enabled for this feature to work.