Episode not showing up to create NOA

Try these troubleshooting steps if your episode is not showing up when you try to create a NOA (Notice of Admission):

1. First, verify that the NOA has not already been created.  You can verify this under Billing PPS Billing Edit PPS Episode, key in the patient's chart number and view the RAP Date field.  If a date is listed, the NOA has already been created.

2. Go to Codes > Program Related Codes > Payer Codes; type in the payer number (for the patient) – Make sure PPS Field = Yes.  If it is No, no NOAs will generate for that payer.  Change it to Yes, then proceed with billing.

3. Referrals tab > Payers tab:  Make sure the correct payer is listed, and is in the primary slot.  If not, make the needed corrections and Save.

4. Referrals tab > Referral Information tab:  Make sure the admit date is correct.  If not, make the needed corrections and Save.

5. Verify that the episode has been created.  From Barnestorm Main Menu, select the patient (by first name, last name, or enter the chart number).  Click on 485 tab, select the 485 for that episode, and click Create PPS tab. ( If the 485 has not been previewed, the episode has not been created.)  Clicking the Create PPS tab manually creates the episode.

6.  Verify that the episode has a first visit that has at least been initiated.  It does not have to be locked & exported.  Make sure the date of the visit matches the SOC date.

7.  If you recently changed the payer, for this patient, verify the following (along with steps above):

a.  Referral Payers tab - Verify the correct payer is listed Primary

b.  Verify all visits have been moved to the correct payer

8.  On the Select Episodes for Billing screen:  Verify that the episode From date (date on the billing screen) includes the NOA date that you are trying to bill for.


•  NOA = Notice of Admission.  Type of Bill will be 32A (or 32D if you are trying to cancel it). 

•  NOA replaces the RAP effective with admissions on and after 1/1/2022. 
•  NOA is a one-time submission that will establish the care for the patient through discharge from the agency. 
•  If a patient is discharged and readmitted to your agency, a new NOA will need to be submitted under the new SOC. 
•  NOA must be sent by the end of day 5 to avoid a payment penalty. 
•  EOE claims will continue to work the same way in Barnestorm.  You will create a final claim for every 30-day period through discharge. 

B. How can I track billing of NOAs:                                                                        

There are several report options, go to:

Billing tab> PPS Billing>Review PPS Batches

Billing>Reports>14.03 PPS Tracking

Billing>Reports>RAP/EOE Sent for Selected Dates